If you’ve never used server-side javascript, the technology has been around for a number of years, so I can confidently say that server-side javascript is a stable technology, scalable, and a good choice for the event-based client-server model. The javascript runtime for this technology is called Node.js.
Many well-known tech platforms utilize Node.js:
Source: Trio
Anyone can get started with writing Node.js code via Node Documenation. As for implementing a full-fledged web framework, similar to how “Ruby on Rails” is a web framework for “Ruby” and how “Django” is a web framework for “Python”, existing server-side frameworks for Node.js also exist. When Node.js was still nascent, “Express.js” was the primary web framework used with Node.js. Now, there are a number of different alternatives, each with their pros and cons as a Node.js web framework. Here is a list of some of the most popular frameworks.